Educational use

Teachers are permitted to copy and distribute items from the GABEY website with the following restrictions:

  • Your place of education must be nonprofit. If not, kindly refer to the "commercial use" section.
  • You may share up to 1000 words of content from the GABEY website

with your audience monthly. Nothing can be published online, and nothing can be altered. Any material that GABEY has copyrighted needs to have a disclaimer and a link to the source. If your plans require action outside these rules, kindly let us know. We're eager to collaborate with you.

Commercial use

If you represent a company and are interested in utilising our content, please get in touch with us. GABEY must approve all requests, and fees are rarely charged. In promotional materials, text and images can be used interchangeably. Additionally, complete reprints of print media like magazines and newspapers can be bought at discounted prices.

Personal & private offline use

Under Australian copyright law, readers may make copies of GABEY website material for personal use. Without written consent, you may not redistribute or reprint these contents in any form.

Reprint requests are routinely made to GABEY. The general reprint policy for content posted in HTML on the GABEY website may be seen to the left (this policy does not cover PDF content). If your circumstance is not included, don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your reprint requirement.